Pragati Goyal Partner & Studio Manager

Pragati Goyal

[Partner & Studio Manager ]

(Bachelor of Architecture, Masters in Urban Management)

Some women inspire total awe with how they can juggle career, family, social life, and hobbies, and Pragati is that woman. An amalgamation of energy and efficiency, Pragati, is a partner in 261-degree projects. She acts as the propeller and pushes the team to do better. She is the backbone of the firm, managing the team activities, overseeing the finances, dealing with the clients, handling social media and what not. Let’s get to know her better:

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Friendly, Honest, Fun Loving

What makes you most happy at work?

The freedom to work my way.

How do you spend your leisure time?

Reading, Exploring the best places to eat, Travelling, Journaling

Mention 5 things you cannot live without?

Diary, Family, Mobile Phone, Skincare Products, Fruits

Your Dream destination?
